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Introduced at NOW Toronto are the most sought-after dog and cat breeds

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    Are you an owner of a Cockapoo or Chihuahua? If so, you apparently own one of the most common dog breeds in Toronto. (Courtesy: Canva)

    Are you an owner of a Cockapoo or Chihuahua? If so, you apparently own one of the most common dog breeds in Toronto.

    Rover.com is an online marketplace for pet care and it recently released its 2023 most popular dog and cat breeds report, which indicates the top trending breeds nationally, the rarest pet breeds in the country, and the local breed trends in Toronto.

    The report surveyed 500 Canadian-based pet owners and looked into the factors they consider when choosing a pet. 

    According to the report, the most common dog breed in Toronto this year are mixed breeds and it is also the most popular dog breed across Canada. Trailing behind mixed breeds are the Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, Goldendoodle and German Shepherd. 


    1. Mixed
    2. Goldendoodle
    3. Golden Retriever
    4. Labrador Retriever
    5. Cockapoo
    6. French Bulldog
    7. Chihuahua
    8. Shih Tzu
    9. German Shepherd
    10. Pomeranian


    1. West Highland White Terrier
    2. Shetland Sheepdog
    3. Whippet
    4. American Eskimo
    5. Pomeranian
    6. Alaskan Husky
    7. Havanese
    8. Miniature Pinscher
    9. Poodle
    10. Shiba Inu


    1. Spanish Water Dog
    2. Prazsky Krysarik
    3. Indian Spitz
    4. German Wirehaired Pointer
    5. Caucasian Shepherd Dog
    6. Canary Mastiff
    7. Belgian Shepherd (Tervuren)
    8. American Mastiff
    9. Wirehaired Vizsla
    10. Plott Hound

    When it comes to the rarest dog breeds in Canada, the report says the Saluki, Barbet, Welsh Terrier, Japanese Spitz, and the Bull Terrier (Miniature) top the list.

    Meanwhile, for cats, the Domestic Shorthair, American Shorthair and Domestic Longhair are most popular.  

    “For more than one third (35 per cent) of pet parents, breed was not an important factor when considering which dog to bring home. In fact, eight in ten (81 per cent) would still have gotten a dog, even if their top three breed choices were unavailable,” Rover said in a news release.

    The report found that pet owners believe family-friendliness is the number one factor when choosing the type of dog or cat to bring home. They often choose a dog based on its personality or social traits, such as its intelligence, energy level and desire to cuddle.

    For cats specifically, 46 per cent of cat parents revealed the colour of their cat’s fur had a big impact on their decision to choose and breed was less important (35 per cent).

    Nevertheless, the most popular cat breeds in Toronto are: 

    1. Domestic Shorthair
    2. American Shorthair
    3. Domestic Longhair
    4. Ragdoll
    5. British Shorthair

    On the other hand, the least common cat breeds in the city are: 

    1. York Chocolate
    2. Turkish Van
    3. Safari
    4. Russian
    5. Peterbald

    Breanna Marcelo

    Writer / Reporter


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    Author: Michele Romero

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    Name: Michele Romero

    Birthday: 2002-04-04

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    Hobby: Swimming, Chocolate Making, Chess, Rock Climbing, Singing, Skateboarding, Kite Flying

    Introduction: My name is Michele Romero, I am a vibrant, welcoming, treasured, brilliant, spirited, tenacious, steadfast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.